eFax Corporate

eFax Corporate

My Role:

As part of the creative department, I took on this project from our marketing team to rebuild their existing site on to a cleaner code base that allowed them to be nimble to run A/B testing quicker and to make website updates without having to go through our engineering department, thus giving them the flexibility to run a wider variety of marketing campaigns.

  • URL: enterprise.efax.com
  • Platform: Sitefinity
  • Year: 2017
  • Project Type: Website
    • HTML5
    • CSS3/LESS
    • Bootstrap
    • Javascript
    • Sitefinity CMS



My Role:

The original version of this site was badly outdated, and was not user friendly for our marketing team to update, and run various marketing campaigns. Our lead designer created the redesign, and as I was building out the prototype for this site, and ran into various development issues due to design, I made various design decisions to make the the site work better on mobile devices, after getting feedback from our designers.

  • URL: www.evoice.com
  • Platform: Sitefinity
  • Year: 2015
  • Project Type: Website
  • HTML5
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Sitefinity CMS

eFax UK

eFax UK

My Role:

This was part of larger redesign project for our marketing team in the UK, There are 2 parts to this site, the regular eFax and the Corporate site, they both live on the same CMS system. I had originally coded the entire eFax site, and built out the prototype of the site and handed it off to our engineering team to push it to production, however the corporate pages on the site were ever evolving therefore I continued to update my code base and create a separate template for the the corporate pages and was able to make these updates on the fly to meet their needs and deadlines.

  • HTML5
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Sitefinity CMS



My Role:

I was tasked to migrate and update this website from its old server, and move it to our CMS system, Sitefinity. The website had just been recently redesigned by our lead designer but it needed to be moved to our CMS, I had to take what he had already designed and re-code the site with bootstrap and bring it up to my standard of code so that the marketing team can make updates to it on their own.

  • URL: keepitsafe.com
  • Platform: Sitefinity
  • Year: 2015
  • Project Type: Website
  • HTML5
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Sitefinity CMS



My Role:

I was asked to build out a website for Project:Music House, which is an event hosted during SXSW and Coachella. This site had a turn around time of about 48 hours, from the original request to being pushed out live. I had to make a site that was easy to upload media as well and showcase the various different social media we were using during the event.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • Javascript

UW Lambdas


My Role:

One of the current members asked me to take a look at their current site, and asked if it can be improved upon. I basically took the same functionality from the theme they had on their old site, and designed and created a custom theme that is easier to update, and where the code is clean and easier to read. I helped them move their site to their own host so that they can run their own SEO on it, and help push their site up in Google rankings, the design I chose to go with was a clean look and easy to read, to target their audience of oncoming college students, hence the emphasis on social media.

  • URL: uwlambdas.com
  • Platform: WordPress
  • Year: 2012
  • Project Type: Website
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • Javascript